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Distributed Search Execution


Returning a "page" of results is split into 2 phases because:

  1. Find all matching documents (QUERY)
  2. Combine into single sorted list (Because documents are on different shards) (FETCH)

Query Phase

  1. Client sends search request to coordinating_node (node that receives the request)
    • Node creates empty PQ of size from + size
  2. Coordinating node forwards requets to shard copy of every shard
    • Each shard executes query locally
    • Builds local priority queue of size from + size
    • Returns result + sort values
  3. coordinating_node merges values to produce globally sorted list

Fetch Phase

  1. Coordinating node identifies which documents need to be fetched and issues a MGET rqeuest
  2. Each shard loads and enriches documents => returns to coordinating_node
  3. coordinating_node returns result to client

Limits of pagination because each shard must build a PQ of from + size Sorting can get very expensive on very large results ( > 5000 pages)

Can disable sorting with the scan search type

Search Options

Parameters that influence the search process

preferenceControl which shards / nodes to handle search request (avoid bouncing results problem)
timeoutTells coordinating_node how long to wait before returning resutls (returns SOME results)
routingSpecified to limit which shard to search
  • count: only has a query phase (for document count / aggregations)
  • query_and_fetch: combines query and fetch into a single step (only when single shard targeted)
  • dfs_query_then_fetch / dfs_query_and_fetch: prequery phase that fetches term frequencies from involved shards
  • scan: Used together with scroll API to retrieve large number of resutls efficiently

scan and scroll

Used together to retrieve large numbers of documents efficiently without the overhead of deep pagination


  • Allows initial search to keep pulling batches of results from ES
  • Similar to cursor


  • Disables global sorting of results (main overhead of deep pagination)


  1. Execute search request
    • Keep scroll open for 1 minute
    • _scroll_id returned (hits not included)

GET /old_index/_search?search_type=scan&scroll=1m

"query": {
"match_all": {}
"size: 1000
  1. Retrieve first batch of results
    • _scroll_id passed in body / query param
    • Keep the scroll open for another minute
    • A new _scroll_id is returned

GET /_search/scroll?scroll=1m c2Nhbjs1OzExODpRNV9aY1VyUVM4U0NMd2pjWlJ3YWlBOzExOTpRNV9aY1VyUVM4U0 NMd2pjWlJ3YWlBOzExNjpRNV9aY1VyUVM4U0NMd2pjWlJ3YWlBOzExNzpRNV9aY1Vy UVM4U0NMd2pjWlJ3YWlBOzEyMDpRNV9aY1VyUVM4U0NMd2pjWlJ3YWlBOzE7dG90YW xfaGl0czoxOw==

  • Number of results is size * number_of_primary_shards
  • No more hits => all documents processed